Just about every pet's tail wags during

car rides - unless it's to the vet. Traveling

with them should be as safe as it is fun.

WeatherTech makes protecting your pets

a walk in the bark.

Discover Three Solutions to Protect YourFour-Legged Family Members on the Road

WeatherTech Pet Barrier.

Pet Barrier

Hero image of dog in car.
Pet Barrier Mobile
Pet Partition.

Sit. Stay. Come. Teaching your pet not to

climb around on the back seats? Well,

that's a bit harder to do. Keep your fluffy

companion comfortable, secure and safe

in the back of your vehicle with this

heavy-duty, adjustable barrier.

Pet Partition on a white background.

Pet Partition

Keeping your furry friend safe means

keeping your focus on the road. That's

hard to do when they're climbing over

your console to cuddle with you in the

front seat. Drive with confidence while

your pet stays in the back with this

durable, seat back barrier.

Golden Retriever with pet safety harness on.

Pet Safety Harness

An unrestrained pet in a moving vehicle can

be a danger to themselves and you. This

powerful harness exceeds SAE seatbelt

standards. Plus, it's quick and easy to put on

even the squirmiest of pets. It also keeps 

pressure off your pet's neck, which is perfect

for trips in the car or on foot! Buckle your fur

baby up, just like your would yourself.

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